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by Marc Silverman

A One-to-One often times is misconceived by one of the parties.

They view the One-to-One as merely a get-together to share food or drink and involve themselves in “Small Talk.”

Often it’s viewed as a waste of time, not that they might be doing something else much more important at this time. So what is the answer?

It’s easy; both parties need to have a PLAN. What do you hope to achieve during this one (1) hour that you’ve carved out of your busy schedule?

You should enter your One-to-One with the attitude that you intend to share important information about yourself that the other person might find useful or helpful. You should try to extract the same from your partner. You should hope that by sharing some “Target Market” information your partner might be able to refer you and finally, don’t forget to use the Five Magic Words… How Can I Help You!

The idea of any productive One-to-One is to walk away knowing more than you knew about the other party before you sat down, hopefully develop Credibility and Trust, and if nothing else strengthen your RELATIONSHIP with that party. To make it truly worthwhile for both parties a serious effort should be made to refer that individual within a short seven (7) day period if possible.